Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand

Smoke Ring 101: Science or Myth

We're returning to school with a flash class called Smoke Ring 101: Science or Myth, which dives into smoking meats.

The Ultimate Rib Rub for your next grill session

This is an excellent pork rib rub that will make any cut, from baby backs to spare ribs, have great flavor off the...

Pepper Popper a peppery shot for playful party

The Pepper Popper is that one shot that will raise eyebrows and keep 'em coming back for another.

Ultimate Tri Tip: How to grill to perfection

One of the truly underrated beef cuts in BBQ is the Tri Tip. Reasonably priced and full of flavor, this cut from a...

Elevate your grill: Fried Ribs will make you slap someone

Let us introduce you how to make Southern fried ribs.

Smoked Paprika 101: Easy spice to make at home

If you are lucky enough to work a vegetable garden at your home, consider adding red peppers and make your own smoked...

Suckers for chicken drumstick Lollipops

Grillmasters around the globe have gone bonkers for yardbird 'lollipops,' a new twist on an old favorite. Here's our...

Smoked chicken gizzards off the grill are no joke

Smoked chicken gizzards off the grill are always in my arsenal, despite only one member of my family enjoying these...

Cold brew pork shoulder for the ultimate pulled pork

Win the day with our cold brew pork shoulder packed with coffee flavor and create the ultimate pulled pork dishes hands...

Vampire Elixir via Tipsy Bartender

Get your Halloween on with this Vampire Elixir

First we make up a nice batch of edible blood to rim our glass with! Once our martini glass is delightfully bloody, we shake up our elixir: a delicious, slightly creamy blend of flavored vodka, white chocolate liqueur...

Pork Belly Burnt Ends, via

Bye, Brisket! Hello Pork Belly Burnt Ends

Burnt ends are oh, so popular among grillmasters. Originally reaching stardom from the beef brisket, the tasty cubes of fatty Q goodness are a staple at competitions late-night gatherings worldwide. But now, pork belly...

The Finger Method: Perfect Steak Every Time

  If you don’t have a digital thermometer, do you have a proven method to checking the doneness of steaks? The Grillax Finger Method will allow you to serve up a perfect steak exactly as your guests want it...

Better Grilling Tips: Control the Heat on Charcoal Grills

Better Grilling: Control the heat when using charcoal

Better grilling comes with a simple approach. Control what you can control. You are in control of what your grill, when you grill and how you grill. Taking the reigns on your grill session means control the flavor, and...

Smoked Turkey

Myths and benefits: Know your turkey facts

Know your turkey facts … don’t believe the turkey hype! The holidays are here; time to loosen the belt buckle, stretch out on the couch, and nap from all the turkey you stuffed yourself with.If you’re like...

Ultimate Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie

Ultimate Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie

There are just some dessert recipes out there that are just too easy to whip together, including pecan pie. Throw a little bourbon and chocolate into the mix, and you will achieve legend status.

Grilled Pineapple

50 Shades: Tropical Pineapple Tease

Grilled PineappleDessert is the quickest way to get people excited after a fine meal. The anticipation of something sweet and satisfying is hard to overcome. Throwing some pineapple on the grill could be just the...

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