Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand

Keto Krazy Burger reigning as the no-carb burger champ

The ultimate burger for adding to no-carb menus has to be our Keto Krazy Burger.

Don’t mess with (our) Texas Longhorn Burger

The old saying goes, “Everything is bigger in Texas!” We can’t argue that sentiment when talking about our Texas Longhorn Burger.

A Gamer’s Favorite Burger? Super SMASH Burger

The art of creating a perfect burger doesn’t start with the ingredients. Our Super SMASH Burger starts with a hot, flat surface that is used to SMASH the beef into tasty, crispy patties.

Double Bourbon, Espresso Maple Bacon Burger

During this quarantine I have purchased a ridiculous amount of coffee. I thought it would be fun to use some of what I had to make the most ridiculously caffeinated burger...ever.

Bacon-a-Palooza Burger is for bacon lovers

When the 2020 Burger Month campaign was in it's infancy stages, the team at Grillax wanted to create something for the carnivore crowd.

Category - Burgers, Brats & Dogs

Grilling recipes for burgers, brats and hot dogs. We take you to a whole new level of taste satisfaction.

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