Every party has that show-stopper, give-me-that-recipe, crowd favorite food – stuffed jalapeños may intimidate some folks, but those brave enough to give them a try will find themselves struggling to stop popping...
September 23, 2022
Every party has that show-stopper, give-me-that-recipe, crowd favorite food – stuffed jalapeños may intimidate some folks, but those brave enough to give them a try will find themselves struggling to stop popping...
There's nothing easier than fried rice at a big gathering. Plenty of food to go around, plenty of flavor and takes only minutes to make.
If you’re looking for a healthy way to use up remaining venison from last year to make room for fresh, these Asian inspired, grilled venison lettuce wraps
Some days in the Grillax Test Kitchen, we think outside the box, so we put together a smoked peppers dish that is sure to please those lovers of spicy food.
Mourning doves are quite easy to harvest, and even easier to prepare as grilled dove breasts. Every year around Labor Day, the hunters around the Southeastern U.S. start buzzing as the annual hunting seasons are kicking...
Malcom Reed is back, and just in time for your tailgate this weekend with is his take on jerk chicken.
Creating the perfect shark dish can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be, and the key could be a perfect shark marinade. If one can combine the flavors that accentuate the finicky-flavored shark meat, grilled...
Have you ever heard of Grilled Tomato Pie? Well, just to show there really isn't anything you can't grill, we've put a nice touch on an old Summer favorite.
The classic Louisiana dish, Blackened Redfish, gets a twist with our version of the classic … Spicy Blackened Cod. According to legend, the famous blackening rub was invented by a chef working at Commander’s...
When most grill masters break out ribs for a big cookout, there will likely be leftover pork goodness. If so, BBQ Ribs Jambalaya is just the ticket to keep those taste buds happy long after the grilling is done...
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