Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand

Tag - spicy

Grilled Dove Breasts

Grilled Dove Breasts so good

Mourning doves are quite easy to harvest, and even easier to prepare as grilled dove breasts. Every year around Labor Day, the hunters around the Southeastern U.S. start buzzing as the annual hunting seasons are kicking...

Spicy Blackened Cod

Spicy Blackened Cod will win the day

The classic Louisiana dish, Blackened Redfish, gets a twist with our version of the classic … Spicy Blackened Cod. According to legend, the famous blackening rub was invented by a chef working at Commander’s...

BBQ Ribs Jambalaya

BBQ Ribs Jambalaya: Perfect use of leftovers

When most grill masters break out ribs for a big cookout, there will likely be leftover pork goodness. If so, BBQ Ribs Jambalaya is just the ticket to keep those taste buds happy long after the grilling is done...

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