Even though there are hundreds of ways to make a sausage, following these simple steps will prepare you for every sausage that comes your way.
January 19, 2019
Even though there are hundreds of ways to make a sausage, following these simple steps will prepare you for every sausage that comes your way.
Watermelon is one of those foods that stands alone. Some salt it, some sugar it, but everyone can agree that it’s a summertime favorite.
Every party has that show-stopper, give-me-that-recipe, crowd favorite food – stuffed jalapeños may intimidate some folks, but those brave enough to give them a try will find themselves struggling to stop popping...
A Grillax.com favorite, Malcom Reed is back, again, with Grilled Whole Beef Tenderloin. It’s not as daunting a task as one may think.Reed recommends buying your beef tenderloin already trimmed from a local...
Know your turkey facts … don’t believe the turkey hype! The holidays are here; time to loosen the belt buckle, stretch out on the couch, and nap from all the turkey you stuffed yourself with.If you’re like...
Tater Skins off the grill offer a new take on a classic appetizer, Grillax style. You surely won't be disappointed with this finger food!
If you’re looking for a healthy way to use up remaining venison from last year to make room for fresh, these Asian inspired, grilled venison lettuce wraps
Have you ever heard of Grilled Tomato Pie? Well, just to show there really isn't anything you can't grill, we've put a nice touch on an old Summer favorite.
Ever been offered grilled turds? We have found an outstanding recipe for Atomic Buffalo Turds and are confident you will use it the next time you grill.
Summer grilling safety is important … grilling is an activity shared with family and friends done outdoors almost year round. So whether the snow is blowing or the sun is shining brightly, it’s important to...
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