Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand

Tag - grillax

Grilling with friends is the Grillax Lifestyle.

Grillax lifestyle exudes BBQ, grilling authority

You come home after a long day. The boss was crazy. The kids were crazier. It’s time to unwind, chill and relax. What’s that one thing that puts you at ease? For us, it’s as simple as lighting up the coals and grilling...

Spicy Grilled Shrimp

Eat like a Nurse Shark: Spicy Grilled Shrimp

Nurse sharks are known for being bottom-dwellers, preferring warm and shallow waters in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans. Cruising the sea bottom for snacks, nurse sharks suck the sand, using their strong jaws to...

Perfect Bite Chicken Rub

Tasty Review: Perfect Bite Chicken Rub

Here at Grillax, we like to think outside the box. So when we received Perfect Bite BBQ's Perfect Bite Chicken Rub, and tested it on its intended ingredient, our first instinct was to ask: “But is it good on other meat?”

Chicken Burger

Chili Lime Chicken Burgers

During #BurgerMonth in May, we’d like to spice things up a bit and give you an alternative to the boring burger that is both tastier AND healthier.

Grilled Sausage and Peppers

Spicy Grilled Sausage and Peppers on Ciabatta

Admit it: No one really likes those cold, soggy sandwiches you grab out of the cooler, with mystery meat jammed between two pieces of white bread. Today, we’re going to give you a hot, spicy, delicious alternative to...

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