Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand

Tag - grill

Beef up the flavor! Brine, Inject, Soak!

Beef up the flavor! Brine, Inject, Soak!

Prime Rib — Be prepared to weep

Ultimate Prime Rib: Be prepared to weep this holiday

If there ever was a perfect cut of beef to put on your grill, it would arguably be the prime rib roast. The succulent, intense flavor combined with a tender texture make it hard to top ... we call it the Ultimate Prime...

Grilled Pineapple

50 Shades: Tropical Pineapple Tease

Grilled Pineapple Dessert is the quickest way to get people excited after a fine meal. The anticipation of something sweet and satisfying is hard to overcome. Throwing some pineapple on the grill could be just the...

50 Shades of Grill: Bacon-wrapped asparagus

Asparagus is an underrated vegetable. Pair it with citrus, herbs and bacon, and it may give your main course a run for the money. This simple recipe takes it to another level with the addition of fresh blood orange. The...

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