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Rust can wreak havoc on flat top griddles.

Remove rust from flat top griddles, steel cooking discs

Got rust on your flat top griddle, grill or cooking disc? Here is a quick, easy, safe way to remove that ugly rust and get it clean before seasoning it up again.

When leaving grill elements outdoors, eventually, rust will form on steel pieces.
When leaving grill elements outdoors, eventually, rust will form on steel pieces.
Rust can wreak havoc on flat top griddles.
Rust can wreak havoc on flat top griddles.

You’ll need Barkeeper’s Friend fine pumice, heavy-duty scrub pad and water.

One only needs three things to effectively remove rust from steel grilling surfaces.
One only needs three things to effectively remove rust from steel grilling surfaces.

Sprinkle the pumice on your rusty disc, add a little water and work it into the disc with the scrub pad (circular motion works best).

The power of pumice with a scouring pad can do wonders on rust.
The power of pumice with a scouring pad can do wonders on rust.

After about a minute or two, your disc will be free of the topical rust.

Once you work the pumice into the steel, wipe it down with clean towel.
Once you work the pumice into the steel, wipe it down with clean towel.

Wipe down with a clean paper towel, then again with a damp paper towel.

Rust removed, ready to fire up.
Rust removed, ready to fire up.

You’re now ready to season your griddle, grill or steel disc again and get back to cooking.

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Thai Basil Beef on a FireDisc Cooker.

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Born in Mississippi, raised in Southeast Louisiana, I've been around good food my whole life. I’m enjoy sharing my love for the grill and the Grillax Lifestyle with my two boys.

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Born in Mississippi, raised in Southeast Louisiana, I've been around good food my whole life. I’m enjoy sharing my love for the grill and the Grillax Lifestyle with my two boys.

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