Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand

Tag - blackened

Blackened Shark Steaks

Blackened Blacktip with Spicy Garlic Aioli

The best way to put shark on the grill is by catching it yourself, and in the Southeastern United States, one species of shark that is fun to catch, and even better to eat ... Blackened Blacktip with Spicy Garlic Aioli.

Spicy Blackened Cod

Spicy Blackened Cod will win the day

The classic Louisiana dish, Blackened Redfish, gets a twist with our version of the classic … Spicy Blackened Cod.According to legend, the famous blackening rub was invented by a chef working at Commander’s Palace...

Pepper Crusted T-bone Steak

Chef Ingrid Beer prepares Pepper-Crusted t-bone Steak with Caramelized Sweet Onions and Garlic-Herb Oven Fries. Are you kidding us? Wow!
Vimeo: thecozyapron

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