Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand
Start with freshly butchered pork loins cut into at least one-inch thickness.

How to cut up a whole pork loin

Learn how to cut up a whole pork loin and get a lot of bang for your buck. It’s easier than you think.

Grill master Ray Lampe shows  how to cut up a whole pork loin and get a lot of bang for your buck. Check out this video from Vimeo.

Vimeo:  Marshall Grant

Cut up a whole pork loin
There are many, many different ways to cut up a whole pork loin into various cuts perfect for the grill.

You ever see those sales on whole pork loins at the market and wondered — what do I do with it?

There are many, many different ways to cut your pork loin into various cuts perfect for the grill.

There are four parts to a pork loin: blade end, center rib, center loin and sirloin end.

Popular ways to cut up a whole pork loin

  • Blade end: Country style ribs
  • Center rib: Thick-cut chops
  • Center loin: Whole roast, chops
  • Sirloin end: Whole roast, small chops, stew meat (if lots of connective tissue)

Now all that’s left to do is season them up and throw them on the grill, or place them into vacuum-sealed bags and freeze for up to three months.

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Born in Mississippi, raised in Southeast Louisiana, I've been around good food my whole life. I’m enjoy sharing my love for the grill and the Grillax Lifestyle with my two boys.



Born in Mississippi, raised in Southeast Louisiana, I've been around good food my whole life. I’m enjoy sharing my love for the grill and the Grillax Lifestyle with my two boys.

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