Grilling News for Grillax Nation that is helpful and interesting for all levels of grillmasters. See what's making bbq headlines. Be sure to check out our Events page.
Have you ever reached for a jar of barbecue sauce in the pantry and realize it’s past the date printed on the package? Those dates on food packaging isn't about expiration, but quality.
Eating grilled or well-done beef, chicken or fish is now associated with an elevated risk of high blood pressure risks, new studies show.
It's no surprise consumers are adjusting their meat buys to combat inflation and supply/demand challenges as 2025 meat prices look to soar.
We caught up with pitmaster Grohl backstage as he was elbow deep in mixing seasoning for pork ribs in a bucket to talk about his BackBeat BBQ.
Ever wondered why MSG is getting such a bad rap?