Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand
Drunk texts

Drunk Texts: You wish you could take that one back?

We’ve all been there: A few too many drinks, then the insatiable desire to contact everyone you know.

The result? Drunk texts. At a certain point, texting is hard—especially when your inebriated fingers can’t quite pick out the letter—or contact—you need. Whether it’s an accidental text to a parent or ex or a completely incoherent string of letters and numbers, sometimes you hit “send” and can never, ever take it back.

No doubt you’ve sent at least one of these categories of drunk texts. Right? We won’t tell. Promise.

— Anna Archibald,

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Born in Mississippi, raised in Southeast Louisiana, I've been around good food my whole life. I’m enjoy sharing my love for the grill and the Grillax Lifestyle with my two boys.

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Born in Mississippi, raised in Southeast Louisiana, I've been around good food my whole life. I’m enjoy sharing my love for the grill and the Grillax Lifestyle with my two boys.

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