Grillax - The Ultimate Grilling Lifestyle Brand

Catfish grilled in corn husk is off the chain good

When it comes to Southern cooking home cooks never stray from traditional cooking, especially with catfish. This recipe for Corn Husk Catfish is quite good.

Is your food expired? Probably not.

Have you ever reached for a jar of barbecue sauce in the pantry and realize it’s past the date printed on the package? Those dates on food packaging isn't about expiration...

Super Bowl Brisket Queso Dip will ramp up any party with feast, fire

No matter what social event is on the calendar, if you bring our Super Bowl Brisket Queso dip your cool points will skyrocket with friends and neighbors. We love to cook on a...

Grillax lifestyle exudes BBQ, grilling authority

You come home after a long day. The boss was crazy. The kids were crazier. It’s time to unwind, chill and relax. What’s that one thing that puts you at ease? For us, it’s as...

Double Bark Boston Butt is all bark in every bite

The secret to really good pork butt is the flavorful bark, and with this new recipe Double Bark Boston Butt we go wild with the bark.

Grillax Academy

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